Nathan Gardels

Nathan Gardels is the editor-in-chief of Noema Magazine. He is also the co-founder of and a senior adviser to the Berggruen Institute. His previous roles include editor-in-chief of The WorldPost and editor-in-chief of New Perspectives Quarterly. He has also served as editor of Global Viewpoint and Nobel Laureates Plus, both services of the Los Angeles Times Syndicate/Tribune Media.

Gardels has written widely for The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Harper’s Magazine, U.S. News & World Report and The New York Review of Books. He has also written for foreign publications, including Corriere della Sera, El Pais, Le Figaro, The Straits Times (Singapore), Yomiuri Shimbun, O’Estado de Sao Paulo, The Guardian, Die Welt and many others. His books include “At Century’s End: Great Minds Reflect on Our Times” and “The Changing Global Order.” He is co-author with Hollywood producer Mike Medvoy of “American Idol After Iraq: Competing for Hearts and Minds in the Global Media Age.”

Gardels is co-author with Nicolas Berggruen of “Renovating Democracy: Governing in the Age of Globalization and Digital Capitalism” and “Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century,” a Financial Times Book of the Year. Gardels holds degrees in Theory and Comparative Politics and in Architecture and Urban Planning from UCLA. 

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