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Future of Capitalism

Envisioning new mechanisms for managing market economies to make our economic architecture more ecologically sustainable and humane.


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From the space race to recycling plastic waste, China’s prowess is stoking competition across Asia and the world.
Beijing’s quest for total control puts its global ambitions at risk.
China’s Silk Road is one element of a “Greater Eurasia,” Putin and Xi’s antithesis to the Western-dominated world order.
We need a redefined safety net for the digital age.
Today's intangible economy has some very tangible consequences.
Using blockchain to enable a distributed, democratic ownership structure could give everyone a stake in our roboticized future.
If Chinese millennials are anything like American ones, they are likely to value access to the App Store and top-notch universities more than ambitions of geopolitical
The Internet is now the battleground of tribal warfare, where a cacophony of voices fight to establish consensual truths.