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Future of Capitalism

Envisioning new mechanisms for managing market economies to make our economic architecture more ecologically sustainable and humane.


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Ixelis’s fetus has no arms, feet or cranium and its heart is compromised. But the government prohibits her from having an abortion.
As democracies dither, China aims to conquer the latest technologies and chart the next phase of globalization.
The Chinese president is now so powerful that his advisers no longer dare offer candid advice. That’s dangerous for China.
Xi is ushering in a new era of Chinese socialism, despite what The Economist says.
If the party defends the manifestly unfair status quo, trust from ordinary people will collapse. 
What matters is who makes the choices behind what intelligent machines do.
As populations gray, we should use AI to prolong independence.
Moving away from Western influence, Africa is already getting a glimpse of a different future.
Otherwise, social unrest will continue to escalate, and we’ll face a bleak future.
"[Solar jobs] aren’t just punch-the-clock jobs — these are careers."